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War is now transferring to the West Bank. People in the West Bank have been living in fear of an unpredictable and worsening situation. The Israeli military has erected almost 900 checkpoints and gates throughout the West Bank, completely controlling the right of movement. As Palestinian cities are cut off from one another, settlers are also burning towns and committing violence, now further emboldened by U.S. President Trump’s lifting of sanctions on West Bank settlers and groups 

God of life, we grieve the complicity of nations and leaders that have made violence against Palestinians normal. We cry out for your intervention as people face settler attacks, home demolitions, and settler colonial violence. Illuminate to the world about the horrors, unhidden and hidden, happening in the West Bank. As we keep our hearts and minds on the West Bank, protect us from the desire for revenge and give us the wisdom to seek healing through the end of occupation, siege, massacres, starvation, hostages, and any other form oppression.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer