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On 5th December, Birzeit University students Layan Naser and Layan Kayyad were released from Israeli prison after Israeli forces abducted them from their homes in the West Bank and incarcerated them for 8 months without charge or trial. They were targeted for their organizing activities at Birzeit University, which included organizing nature walks and visiting students recently released from prison.  

God of Justice, you shatter chains and bring captives to freedom. We give thanks for the release of Layan Naser and Layan Kayyad. We hold steadfast to your divine timing, knowing the days of captivity will not last and that your light will break every darkness. O Emmanuel, as we await this day, we ask you to abide with the weary and the oppressed. We lift up in prayer all those imprisoned and held hostage, including the 3,428 Palestinian administrative detainees in Israel and the 101 Israeli hostages in Gaza.

Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer.