International Young Adult Conference 2023

International Young Adult Conference

Greetings from Jerusalem, the city of Resurrection!

Sabeel invites young leaders ages 18-35 to join us in Jerusalem July 18th – July 27th, 2023 for a fun and meaningful young adult conference entitled

“Time to Kumi- Time to Rise up”

Indeed, Jesus often taught about God’s love and justice by doing something unexpected that challenged and convicted the audience. Christ continues to invite us today to follow him in resistance to oppression, creatively witnessing to liberation for all, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our vision is to provide young adults with an alternative Holy Land pilgrimage experience that challenges faith perceptions and actively engages with the people living here. There will be visits to Palestinian and Israeli Communities, Cultural Activities, Volunteering and Activism, Worship & Bible studies, Panel Discussions and Advocacy Workshops.

You have a voice and you can make a difference! Your participation is vital. Please send this invitation to all your contacts.

This conference will bring together various organizations working for a just peace in Palestine and Israel. Individual organizations will take part of the program to illustrate their work and you will have a chance to meet, interact, question, and work alongside these organizations. Sabeel believes that, in order for work towards justice and peace to be effective, it needs to be a joint effort. Therefore, we have brought together the following organizations from a variety of backgrounds: Kairos Palestine, Bethlehem Bible College, Dar al-Kalima and Sabeel. Each organization will concentrate on a specific topic from cultural resistance to Christian Zionism.

Taking the lead from the Kumi Now initiative the gathering will explore how, alongside organizations from across the world, we can form a worldwide community of action to achieve a just peace in the land of the Holy One.

We will explore how Kumi Now works, it’s effects so far, and hear from some of the organizations involved in the first year of the project.

Based on the principles of inclusivity, justice, and nonviolence, we will seek to develop on the work of the Kumi Now project and, with the help of various speakers, will begin to explore how this can be developed internationally, creating a Kumi Now Global initiative to sit alongside Kumi Now Palestine.

We thank you for helping us promote the conference and appreciate all your support.

To download the flyer please use the following link–O329VVax0xrdisB_qCQ/view

Christ’s peace,

Conference program team

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